VPC-5620S fra AAEON

AAEONs nye Computing System til industrielt og in-vehicle brug
Med 8. Generation Intel® Core™ processorer, bredt udvalg af Input/Output og hukommelsesløsninger der passer ethvert projekt, er VPC-5620S klar til effektivt at understøtte fx AI applikationer. Designet giver god mulighed for specifik konfiguration og tilføjelser ud fra behov i det enkelte projekt.
Designet lever op til industrielle krav og VPC-5620S er blandt andet vibration og stød testet ud fra MIL-STD-810G specifikationer. Derudover fungerer den i temperaturer fra -20° to 70°C.
VPC-5620S kommer i to standard versioner, hvor den ene er specifikt tiltænkt brug i køretøjer, fx til NVR systemer, overvågning af distraherede chauffører m.m.
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Driving industrial and in-vehicle edge solutions
The VPC-5620S delivers greater connectivity, flexibility and expansion with the 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processors (formerly Whiskey Lake). Available in two standard configurations, the VPC-5620S IS industrial system and VPC-5620S VS in-vehicle system, this versatile platform offers broad I/O features including four Smart PoE PSE ports designed for PoE cameras, helping to simplify deployment of NVR and AI Surveillance applications. These systems provide multiple mPCIe slots to support Wi-Fi and LTE networks, as well as M.2 for 5G capabilities (optional), as well as GPS, G-sensor and power ignition on the VPC-5620S VS. The VPC-5620S platform is built tough, tested to MIL-STD-810G shock and vibration standards, and with an operating temperature range of -20°C to 70°C. Thanks to the modular design of the VPC-5620S platform offers additional configurations available on a per-project basis.
Fremhævede specifikationer
- Multi-PoE & Fanless Appliance
- Intel® 8th Generation Whisky Lake processor
- Supporting up to 64 GB DDR4 2400 SDRAM, two slots
- DP x 1, HDMI x 1
- RS232/422/485 COM port x 2 (Isolated by BOM option), USB3.0 port x 4
- GigE connector x 5 (PoE x 4, GigE x 1), up to 8 PoE ports (by project base)
- DC 12-24V power Input, Industrial config.; DC 10~36V, In-vehicle config
- 1 x jack for Line out & MIC in
- 8 bits DIO ( Isolated 4DI & 4DO / 8DI/ 8DO by BOM option)
- Wide Temperature: -20°C ~ 70°C
- LAN LED indicator (ACTx5, LNKx5), Status LED x1, HDD LED x 1, Wireless LED x 1, Power button w/indicator x 1, Reset button x 1
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