Locating and tracking solution Renity artemis
30-11-2021 09:00:00Lokaliseringssystem med høj præcision til mange industrier
Med RENITY ARTEMIS fra Avalue kan virksomheder nemt holde overblikket over deres forskellige fysiske aktiver. RENITY ARTEMIS er et lokaliseringssystem, der fungerer i real-tid og med høj præcision kan angive hvor fx maskiner, værktøj, varer m.m. befinder sig.
Systemet anvendes i mange forskellige industrier og har en bred vifte af mulige anvendelser. Læs nogle eksempler på brugen herunder.
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Applications of Avalue RENITY ARTEMIS high-precision locating solution across different industries
NOV. 24th, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan –Avalue Technology Inc. (TAIEX: 3479-TW), a global industrial PC solution provider and an associate member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance. Endeavoring to develop industrial-grade computers, as a professional embedded industrial computer manufacturer, we are committed to providing complete smart retail, smart medical, smart manufacturing and smart transportation and embedded solutions. As businesses around the world speed up the adoption of Industry 4.0, IoT has now become a major investment for businesses making the digital transformation. In IoT scenarios, RTLS (Real-time Location System) indoor positioning system is a highly valued technology in site management as it helps businesses to significantly increase management efficiency and cut manpower cost. Many technologies are capable of RTLS indoor positioning, including Bluetooth, RFID, UWB and ZigBee. However, UWB (Ultra-Wideband) used by RENITY ARTEMIS has the highest positioning precision (within 30cm) and stability. It also has high penetration depth and greatly resistant to interference. Armed with such advantages, ARTEMIS can provide customized IoT applications for different industries, further boosting customers’ production efficiency.
Real-time tracking of tools in tooling factories
In the example of a tooling factory, where tools are often being moved around within the factory premises or even taken out of the factory for use by contract manufacturers, managers can see the real-time location of tools on their handheld devices by binding RTLS tags to the tools. Even after a tool is unbound, the system will still maintain record of its last location, preventing the possibility of tool loss. For tools that have to be taken out of the factory, an anchor installed in the truck can also provide real-time location through GPS signals. To the manager of a tooling factory, comprehensive tracking through ARTEMIS enables more efficient allocation of tools, which leads to an effective increase in production capacity.
Benefits of application in textile and dyeing industry
In a textile dyeing factory, there could be thousands of carts moving amongst various production stations. Without smart management, the carts are often abandoned anywhere in the factory, resulting in massive time and cost spent finding the carts. In fact, the carts, which are valued at tens of thousands dollars each, can occasionally become lost completely, causing substantial financial losses for business owners. By attaching RTLS tags to the carts, business managers can see the carts’ location in real time, track their movement history, and get notified when a cart is missing and when a cart leaves a Geo-fence. The combination of ARTEMIS with the dyeing factory’s MES enables the integration of work orders and laboratories, and information link-up between dyeing machines, setting machines and carts. With full automation and detailed monitoring, efficiency is enhanced and manpower is reduced, leading to marked increase in productivity.
Helping warehousing and logistics industry overcome challenges in post-pandemic era
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the closure of physical stores has led to greater reliance on e-commerce, forcing warehousing and logistics operators to make changes so that they can speed up shipping and delivery to customers. With ARTEMIS high-precision locating solution, warehousing and logistics operators will have better control over their assets, whether the goods, forklifts or AGVs. Once these assets are tagged, managers can quickly find or track goods, and monitor the location of forklifts and their operation so as to redeploy them whenever necessary, thus improving operational efficiency within the premises.
Prevention of medical emergencies
Operating personnel may encounter emergencies in different work environments. One of the major functions of ARTEMIS is its ability to alert relevant personnel to handle an emergency situation in the event of an emergency. For example, at a hospital emergency department, the integration of ARTEMIS into the hospital room signalling system means that healthcare workers encountering a sudden violent event can press the emergency button on the tag to turn on the room’s signal light and the security system will immediately send security officers to handle the emergency situation.
High-precision real-time indoor positioning relieves pain points in different industries
ARTEMIS real-time locating and tracking system is a complete solution integrating hardware and software. Its hardware include tags and anchors designed for different environments; while its software provides API integration with customers’ existing MES, WMS and ERP to expand their functions. ARTEMIS offers a diverse array of functions to match different industry applications, allowing businesses to improve output, manpower productivity, flow of goods and equipment utilization. Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for an IoT solution to improve site management efficiency.
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